Inside the Toaster
The Oaxis AirScale, Our Best Deal Yet.
Traveling soon? No? Well, this may still interest you. This week we have the Oaxis AirScale powerbank with digital scale. Honestly, it's the perfect 2 in 1 if you ask me. Here's a scenario: you sit and wait at the airport for 5 hours while your flight is continuosly delayed. Oh no, during hour 3 your precious iPhone 11 dies... You can't find an outlet, you left your charging box at home. It's over for you. Oh wait! You remeber that the Oaxis AirScale you used to weigh your luggage earlier doubles as a power station. Oh, and it holds...
Inside the Toaster
We get it. It's the holiday season. We're trying to sell products. You're trying to buy something for every parent, aunt, uncle cousin, friend etc. A lot of times you're stuck because you have no idea what anyone wants. Do they have it already? Will they like it? Who knows, who cares. Reading this you may think to yourself 'shit I don't even know what I want. While you have a problem, we have a solution. We have the Phonesoap 3. Not only do we have the Phonesoap 3, we are offering it to you at only $49.99. If you don't...